UPSC IFS Syllabus 2022: Subject-wise Syllabus & Exam Pattern

UPSC IFS Syllabus 2022: According to the exam calendar, the Union Public Service Commission will conduct UPSC IFS Mains on November 20, 2022. Candidates preparing for the exam should check the syllabus. The Commission prescribes the Indian Forest Service syllabus. Therefore, candidates can check the syllabus on the official website, i.e., Furthermore, they can also check the syllabus in this article.

The syllabus helps candidates know about all the important topics for the exam. Knowing the syllabus will help candidates avoid wasting their time preparing unimportant topics. Furthermore, candidates should also go through the UPSC IFoS 2022 exam pattern. The exam pattern will help them know about sections, the number of questions, and the marking scheme of the exam. Scroll down to find out more.

UPSC IFS Syllabus 2022: Overview

Before getting into the details of syllabus, let us have an overview of the UPSC IFS Exam mentioned below:

Name of the ExamIndian Forest Service Examination
Conducting BodyUnion Public Service Examination
Stages of Examination Prelims
Medium of ExamEnglish and Hindi
Mode of ExamOffline

UPSC IFS Selection Process

The UPSC IFS exam is classified into three stages namely; Preliminary, Mains, and Interview:

Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Stage 1: Prelims The IFS prelims exam is the same as the UPSC IAS Prelims exam. There are two papers viz., Paper 1- GS, Paper 2 -CSAT
Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Stage 2: MainsThe IFS Mains exam has 6 papers and they are General English, General Knowledge and Other 4 Optional Papers
Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Stage 3: InterviewThe total marks for the interview will be 300. Candidates will be evaluated whether they are fit to carry out the duties specified by the officials.

UPSC IFoS 2022 Prelims Syllabus

The UPSC IFS Preliminary Exam is for screening purposes only with a minimum of 33% to be secured to appear for the Mains examination and will not be counted for determining a candidate’s final order of merit.

PaperSubjectsMaximum MarksTime Duration
Paper 1General Studies2002 hours
Paper 2Civil Services Aptitude Test2002 hours

IFoS Prelims 2022 General Studies Syllabus

  1. Current Event of National and International importance
  2. History of India and Indian National Movement
  3. Indian and World Geography
  4. Indian polity and Governance
  5. Economic and Social Development- Sustainable development, Poverty, Inclusion
  6. General Science
  7. General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change

IFoS Prelims 2022 CSAT Syllabus

  1. Comprehension
  2. Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  4. Decision-making and problem solving
  5. General mental ability
  6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. – Class X level)
  7. English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level).

The questions in both Paper 1 (General Studies) and Paper 2 (Civil Services Aptitude Test) will be of objective type. It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both the papers of the preliminary examination for the purpose of evaluation failing which will result in disqualification.

UPSC IFoS 2022 Mains Syllabus

The UPSC IFS Syllabus for the Main exam comprises of following subjects as mentioned below:

PaperSubject Total Marks
Paper IGeneral English300
Paper IGeneral Knowledge300
Paper IIIOptional I200
Paper IV Optional I200
Paper V Optional II200
Paper VIOptional II200

IFoS Mains 2022 General English Syllabus

Candidates will be required to write an essay in English. Other questions will be designed to test their understanding of English and use of words. Passages will usually be set for summary or precis.

IFoS Mains 2022 General Knowledge Syllabus

General Knowledge includes knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on Indian Polity including the political system and the Constitution of India, History of India and Geography of a nature which the candidate should be able to answer without special study.

IFoS Mains 2022 Optional Syllabus

The UPSC Indian Forest Service Mains exam syllabus consists of 6 papers. Paper 1 & Paper 2 are common for all candidates. The other 4 papers are optional. The list of optional subjects (two to be chosen) available for the IFS main exam is as follows:

The total number of questions in the question papers of optional subjects will be eight. All questions will carry equal marks. Each paper will be divided into two parts, viz. Part A and Part B, each part containing four questions. Out of eight questions, five questions are to be attempted. One question in each part will be compulsory.

Candidates will be required to answer three more questions out of the remaining six questions, taking at least one question from each Part. In this way, at least two questions will be attempted from each Part i.e. one compulsory question plus one more.

UPSC IFS Personality Test & Interview Syllabus

  1. Candidates are interviewed by a board of competent and unbiased observers. The record of the candidate’s career will be presented before the interviewers.
  2. The object of the interview is to assess the suitability of the candidate for the service. The candidate is expected to have an all-around personality.
  3. Candidates should have an intelligent interest not only in their academics but also should be aware of their cultural, political and social surroundings.
  4. Candidates should be aware of current affairs, modern current thoughts and new discoveries happening around them both within and outside their own State or country.
  5. The technique of the interview will not be a strict cross-examination like a question and answer session.
  6. It would be more like a natural, though directed and purposive conversation, intended to reveal the personal qualities of the candidate.
  7. The board will pay special attention to assessing the intellectual curiosity, critical powers of observation and assimilation, the balance of judgment and alertness of mind, initiative, tact, capacity for leadership; the ability for social cohesion, mental and physical energy and powers of practical application; integrity of character; and other qualities such as topographical sense, love for out-door life and the desire to explore unknown and out of way places.

Candidates can also check:

UPSC IFS ResultUPSC IFS Admit Card
UPSC IFS Exam PatternUPSC IFS Salary

FAQs Regarding UPSC IFS Syllabus 2022

The frequently asked questions on the UPSC Indian Forest Service exam syllabus are as below:

Q.1: When is the UPSC IFS Main exam scheduled?
Ans: The UPSC IFS Main exam is scheduled for November 20, 2022.

Q.2: How many stages are there in UPSC IFS Exam?
Ans: There are three stages, namely Preliminary, Main, and Interview.

Q.3: How many Papers are there in the Prelims exam?
Ans: There are two papers in prelims; General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test.

Q.4: What is the syllabus of the UPSC IFS Main exam?
The UPSC Indian Forest Service Mains exam syllabus consists of 6 papers. Paper 1 (General English) & Paper 2 (General Knowledge) are common for all candidates. The other 4 papers are optional.

Q.5: What are the marks allocated for the IFS interview process?
The total marks for the IFS interview process will be 300 marks.

As you can see, the UPSC Syllabus for Civil Services is vast and requires rigorous preparation. Candidates must be serious right from the beginning and prepare in a smart manner to crack this examination. They must cultivate reading and writing habits, and be thorough with every single topic of the UPSC IFS Syllabus. Making notes as you study is a must for better retention as well as revision.

We hope this detailed article on Indian Forest Service Syllabus 2022 helps you. If you have any queries regarding the exam, feel to check our app. We will be happy to help you out.

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